Karlissa Saffold Harvey Nude Photos: American popular rapper Blueface mom Karlissa Saffold Harvey made the headlines and she accidentally shared her nude photos on Instagram Story.
On those photos, her son Blueface reacted to leaked pics, and that went viral on the Internet.
American Rapper Blueface Mum Karlissa Saffold Harvey Nude Photos
As Soon As photos leaked on Instagram it went viral like fire. Many netizens troll his mother for this inappropriate act.
The pictures caused a storm on the internet and the reactions have been intense. This included Blueface who proceeded to troll his mother for the inappropriate act.
However, the reactions of Karlissa Saffold Harvey to her son’s trolls have left the netizens nonplussed and they have reacted with shock.
Netizens were surprised after finding that Karlissa Saffold Harvey had posted a picture of herself striking a pose before the mirror on her Instagram story.
You can clearly see Karlissa who took a selfie with her tongue out and her reflection on a mirror which bared her A*s and posted it on her Instagram story. The picture soon became viral and spread across different social media sites.
Netizens were shocked by the baring act by Karissa Saffold Harvey.
Blueface Mum Karlissa Saffold Harvey Apology
Karissa Saffold Harvey has since apologized for her Instagram story and promised not to repeat it in the future.
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