Fortnite Chapter 2 Season 3 Week 2 Challenges: Fortnite Season 3 continues with a new batch of challenges for Week 2, and the latest objective asks players to find Deadpool Floaties at the Yacht.
In this guide, we will reveal all five locations where you can get these challenges done quickly and easily.
Where is the Yacht in Fortnite?
- While the Yacht was a named and very recognizable location on the Season 2 map, it is changed its location and look in Season 3.
- You’ll find it around coordinate E1 at the northern center of the map.
- The boat seems to have seen better days since its Season 2 incarnation, but much of the old Deadpool charm remains.
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Fortnite Chapter 2 Season 3 Week 2 Challenges: Deadpool Floatie Locations
- Now as you know where the Yacht is located, it is time to find at least 3 Deadpool Floaties in the area.
- There are 5 possible locations to find 3 floaties, which means you don’t need to wipe every location we have listed below to get that sweet stash of XP for your BattlePass.
- Note that the Floaties aren’t seen in these screenshots because they weren’t officially live when this guide was made.
Fortnite Chapter 2 Season 3 Week 2 Challenges To Find Locations
Floatie Location 1:

- On the top floor with the big Deadpool head hanging over it, there’s a room off to the side with a bunch of benches and a Deadpool mural.
- The Deadpool Floatie is in the corner as you enter.
Floatie Location 2:

- Leave that room, go forward and hop down the pipes to get to the middle deck on the left side of the ship.
- You will find another Deadpool Floatie here by these chairs.
Floatie Location 3:

- The next Floatie is in the back corner of the ship, near the spot with the yellow wall.
- There is a small red shack in the corner, and you will see a Floatie sitting between these two doorways.
Floatie Location 4:

- The fourth Floatie is in the room inside the red-orange shipping container towards the middle of the Yacht.
Floatie Location 5:

- The fifth and final Deadpool Floatie is on the first floor of the ship somewhat towards the back of the Yacht.
- You will see a metal door surrounded by machinery.
- Pass on through, and search the Deadpool Floatie in the small staging area to the left.
Fortnite Chapter 2 Season 3 Week 2 Challenges
- Finding Deadpool Floaties at the Yacht is just one of the new challenges players can complete for Week 2 of Chapter 3.
Here’s the full list of challenges for those who missed them in-game:
- Use different Ziplines at the Authority (eight)
- Search Chests or Ammo at Holly Hedges (seven)
- Find Deadpool Floaties at the Yacht (three)
- Score a goal on the Soccer Pitch at Pleasant Park
- Eliminations at Lazy Lake (three)
- Headshot Henchmen at the Fortilla (20)
- Gather or consume Foraged Items at the Orchard (five)
- Use a Fishing Rod to ride behind a Loot Shark at Sweaty Sands (Aquaman Challenge)
- That’s all there is to know about finding Deadpool Floaties for Week 2 of Fortnite Season 3.
Fortnite is available now on PS4, Xbox One, Switch, PC and mobile.
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