2020 US Election Predictions: In the same year, the US presidential election was also predicted in 2016 and at that time the same Serbian bear named Buyan had chosen the trump.
2020 US Election Predictions
In the US, there is ongoing debate about the outcome of the presidential election and heated debate on it. Everyone’s eyes are fixed on who will be the next President of America.
People of America are very interested in knowing the predictions of the results and that is why the results are predicted in many ways.
Animals predicted in Russia’s Serbia
The election results have been predicted from animals in a Ju of Serbia in Russia on elections in America. In front of the lion and the bear, President Donald Trump and Joe Biden’s face were engraved with watermelons.
Just like a Serbian bear named Buyan comes straight which breaks on the watermelon facing Biden. And by fun, he takes it to the shore and starts eating. That is, it was believed that the victory was by Biden.
In exactly the same way, this watermelon was also placed in front of the White Tiger in Zoo. The White Tiger first sniffed both and then moved on. After returning after that, he started playing directly with Joe Biden’s face melon. That is, the victory here was also considered as Biden.
Prophecy came true in 2016
Interestingly, in this same year, the US presidential election was also predicted in the year 2016 and at that time the same Serbian bear named Buyan had chosen the trump.
Buyan also predicted the winner of World Cup football. It had chosen Croatia from the flags of Croatia and France engaged in watermelon and the result was the same.
This is not the first time that his prediction has been made to animals before any major result. In 2016, when the US election results were coming, an octopus named Allie dropped Hillary Clinton’s jar and she lost the election.
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