Iranian Angelina Jolie: The 19-year-old Instagrammer Zombie Angelina Jolie was arrested in October 2019 on charges of blasphemy, encourage violence, gaining income through inappropriate means and corrupting youngsters.
A 19-year old Iranian girl, Sahar Tabar, who rose to fame on Instagram as ‘Zombie Angelina Jolie’, has been jailed for 10 years, her lawyer said. She had been arrested last year on various corruption charges.
Iranian Angelina Jolie: ‘Zombie Angelina Jolie’ Jailed For 10 Years in Iran
Sahar Tabar real name is Fatemeh Khishvand and she hails from Tehran, Iran. She rose to fame after posting morphed images of her unnatural face which looked like zombie version of Hollywood celebrity Angelina Jolie.
The Zombie Angelina Jolie caught attention of people on the social media and it gone viral.After getting attention She began posting more such morphed pictures and soon gathered 486,000 followers on social media.
But what started as a joke landed the influencer in jail. She was arrested in last year October 2019 on charges of blasphemy, inciting violence, gaining income through inappropriate means and corrupting youngsters, reported The Guardian.
According to MailOnline, Iranian Journalist Masih Alinejad spoke to Tabar’s lawyer, who confirmed that his client had been sentenced to 10 years in prison recently for ‘promoting public corruption’.
Sharing this on twitter, Masih Alinejad wrote, “10 years jail for Iranian Instagramer who used make up & Photoshop to become a zombie Angelina Jolie. Sahar Tabar is only 19. Her joke landed her in jail. Her mother cries every day to get her innocent daughter freed. Dear Angelina Jolie! we need your voice here. Help us.”
She also posted a video urging Angelina to come forward and raise her voice for Sahar Tabar. “Islamic Republic has a history of tormenting women. We need to be united against this gender apartheid,” she spoke further. Sahar’s lawyer is also campaigning for her release.
Sahar had said in one of her posts that the zombie version of Angelina Jolie was created using heavy editing, and advanced makeup skills.
According to reports, she pleaded for her release after getting positive for Covid-19 but the jail authorities dismissed her plea.
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